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First Plas Gunter Mansion survey raises more questions about the house's hidden secrets

28 January 2019

History enthusiasts and interested members of the community gathered at St Michael’s Centre on Wednesday, 23 January, to hear the results of an archeological survey of Abergavenny’s 17th century Plas Gunter Mansion, aimed at unlocking more of its historical secrets.

The Grade II* listed building, bought for the community by The Welsh Georgian Trust in 2017, is of historical importance because of the discovery of a secret chapel in the attic where Catholics worshipped during a period when it was illegal and dangerous to do so.

It is the only known recusant chapel that exists in Wales and one of the best surviving examples in the whole of Britain.

One of the priests who led the secret services was denounced to Parliament by priest-hunter, John Arnold of Llanfihangel Court. He was arrested, hanged, drawn and quartered at Usk on 27th August, 1679. Father – later Saint – David Lewis was Wales’ last Catholic martyr.

The purpose of the meeting on Wednesday was to present the findings of the survey and to outline the vision for the future. Chair of the Plas Gunter Mansion project, Owen Davies, said in his introduction, “We are the history hunters, putting together a jigsaw of the pieces of history relating to this house. We have the edges to the jigsaw, we now have to fill in the middle bits.

“We’re not sure we’ll ever find all those missing jigsaw pieces because we don’t have the box for reference – so we don’t know exactly what it looked like in the first place,” he added.

Plas Gunter Mansion c 1907

Andrew Beckett of the Welsh Georgian Trust (WGT) said that the survey had uncovered some interesting findings but that it had in fact thrown up even more questions.

The mansion was a centrally planned renaissance house built by the Gunter family in the 17th century and inhabited by the same family for a number of generations. It is known that Thomas Gunter, a lawyer, was living there in the 1670s and plied his trade in the room facing Cross Street, to the left of the main entrance, where the pop-up exhibition of the mansion is currently located.

The upstairs of the property is not currently accessible to the public but the pop-up space at 39a Cross Street features photographs, historical information and artists’ impressions of the mansion.

Plas Gunter Mansion 1967

The Trust will need to apply for Heritage Lottery funding to restore Plas Gunter Mansion so this initial archeological survey was commissioned to improve the chances of securing funding further down the line. Funding for the survey came from the Architectural Heritage Fund and Heritage Lottery Fund.

Local architects firm Morgan & Horowskij carried out the survey in collaboration with experts in conservation Holland Heritage, Archaeo Domus and McNeilage Conservation.

One of the survey’s aims was to establish a more exact date for the house and to date the later additions to the building.

Ovolo mouldings, fashionable in Wales in the mid 17th century, and evidence of a cross passage through the centre of the building from front to back are two features which date the main building at somewhere between 1625 and 1650.

The extension to the right of the original house, referred to as the Pot and Pineapple, was built between 1650 and 1680. An old-fashioned sweet shop business in the building was named The Pot and Pineapple by its owner, Amanda Peters, after a confectionery shop of that name in London that was operated by the Gunters of Abergavenny. The shop closed down but it is still referred to by that moniker and Amanda Peters was key in initiating the building’s restoration project.

Plas Gunter Mansion modern day

One of the most striking features of the house, an ornate plaster ceiling in the first floor main chamber, had been the subject of debate among local historians before the survey was conducted.

Its vine trails and cherubs are typical of the late 17th century but its lack of symmetry in relation to the room had led to speculation that it was not part of the original house when the Gunters owned it, and that it had been brought in later, possibly from another manor house.

But Ruth McNeilage, an expert in wall paintings and decorative plasterwork and part of the survey team, is convinced that it is a 17th century ceiling that the Gunter family would have commissioned. After the family sold the mansion in the 18th century, the house was inhabited by a succession of less wealthy owners who would not have been able to afford to pay for such a ceiling.

Decorative ceiling, first floor main chamber (1950s)

The room that continues to provide the most uncertainty is the attic. Because the survey places the addition of The Pot and Pineapple extension to the original building at sometime between 1650 and 1680 it means that the secret chapel could not have existed until at least 1650. It is likely to have started functioning as a Catholic place of worship from the end of the Civil War in 1660.

Ruth McNeilage took samples of the layers of paint from the original wall paintings in the attic. “In vernacular houses owned by gentry like Thomas Gunter wall paintings were fashionable between 1550 and 1660,” said Ruth McNeilage. “Then the fashion changed.”

When brothers Edwin and Thomas Foster discovered the remains of the chapel in 1907 a wall painted altarpiece featuring the Adoration of the Magi was removed and was eventually moved to Abergavenny Museum in the 1970s where it is on display.

Adoration of the Magi on display in Abergavenny Museum

Ruth McNeilage believes the altarpiece mural was not painted until the early 18th century although she was unable to take any samples from it for this survey. Because of the secrecy surrounding mass being held in the house the owners might not have wanted any permanent religious symbolism in the attic.

She speculated that it might have been painted over an earlier painting or that it was created in the early 18th century as a memorial to the martyred priest.

“We have yet to establish the position of this altarpiece in the attic,” said Andrew Beckett. “A photo of the wall painting in situ in 1907 tantalisingly shows a gap to the left but there is not enough photographic evidence to establish where exactly it was,” he added.

The Adoration of the Magi secret chapel altarpiece in situ (1907) showing a gap bottom left

During questions and answers with the 80-strong audience Andrew Beckett was able to confirm that a portion of the plasterwork from the attic is still attached to the altarpiece and it was suggested that Ruth McNeilage carry out analysis on this supporting plaster to establish its position in the attic.

Another feature of the house familiar to anyone who has seen the photographs at the pop-up exhibition at the mansion on Cross Street is the graffiti daubed on wall panels in the attic. Ruth McNeilage believes that it is too crude to have been part of a chapel – that graffiti at the time was decorative and beautiful – and speculated that it was daubed at a later date.

What emerged from the survey was the discovery of a blocked up window behind the graffiti panel, which strongly suggests that the panels featuring the graffiti were moved from somewhere else in the room or the house.

Graffiti on wall panels in the attic secret chapel

Another mystery that remains unsolved is whether there was an entrance to the secret chapel from the main attic. Reports from the time of the denouncement of the priest suggested a larger chapel than currently evidenced although those reports might have been exaggerated. If the larger attic formed part of the chapel then it is still unclear as to how it was accessed by worshippers.

This survey, unsurprisingly, has barely scratched the surface of what might lie below. “Only when we start taking it apart a bit more will some of these questions be answered” said Andrew Beckett from The Welsh Georgian Trust, whose task it is now to apply for major heritage grants to unlock more of the house’s secrets.

So what is next? The vision, according to Chair Owen Davies, is to solve a lot of the unknowns and restore and enhance the building, turning it into an educational and community resource that celebrates its local roots.

“The question we’re asking ourselves is: What should we restore it to ? Back to what we think it was originally? Somewhere in between? The feeling at the moment is to take the upper part of the front of the building back to what it looked like in the 1907 photograph – so filling in the extra window that’s been added – but installing replacement Georgian style windows. We have no evidence of what it looked like before that photograph,” he said.

Stefan Horowskiy, the local architect and the survey’s project manager said: “There is a difference between restoration and conservation . This is more a conservation project because listed buildings often retain echoes from different periods of their history and are rarely restored to their original form. We need a building that’s successful in retail terms whilst making it a meaningful experience for visitors.”

The ground floor facing Cross Street will feature shop front windows because this is part of the building’s more recent history and the granting of any heritage money will depend on building sustainability into the project.

As to the back of the building, Davies said that they would be consulting with conservationists, experts, Friends and the community. The land behind the building does not belong to the trust but the intention is to try and acquire that land and restore it to an appropriate garden space that would form part of the visitor experience.

Inside, on the ground floor, the idea is to recreate the cross passage from front to back, possibly leading to the original door (currently in the museum) and a garden. The only fixed plan at the moment is to turn the downstairs of the Pot and Pineapple building into a visitors’ exhibition and interpretation space.

Owen Davies added: “The remainder of the ground floor needs to be a flexible area that allows for adaptation of use over time to reflect the ever evolving nature of the high street.” One proposal is for a National Trust style tea shop on the ground floor which could spill out into a potential garden area.

Retired architect Ken Adams’ impression of the rear garden 17th century

The first floor, featuring the main chamber with its decorative plaster ceiling, would become accommodation similar to that offered by Landmark Trust properties. The Friends are looking to work with St Mary’s Church and Abergavenny Museum to create a complementary heritage offering to draw more visitors to the town.

“The building has to become an income generator. Entrance fees and donations alone won’t be enough to make it a sustainable project,” said Andrew Beckett. “Offering attractive, high-end accommodation for a significant proportion of the year would help ensure that income stream. Periods of time during the year would be set aside to keep that first floor open to visitors,” he added.

Beckett referred to Llwyn Celyn, a Landmark Trust property in nearby Cwmyoy, which has recently featured in a two-part series on More 4 . The two one-hour programmes, “£4 Million Restoration: Historic House Rescue” follows the painstaking restoration of the building as it is brought bank from the brink. The house is now available to rent as holiday accommodation through the Landmark Trust. The series is available to view on Channel 4’s catch-up service, All 4 , until 5th February (episode 1) and 12th February (episode 2).

Plans for the attic are currently the least developed and one question from the floor concerned the restoration of part of the attic space as a chapel, whether mass could be held there in the future because of its importance for Catholics as a place of pilgrimage.

Andrew Beckett replied that there were plans to recreate a space similar to what they think the chapel was, restoring some of the wall paintings. He confirmed that the religious significance of the building was going to be integral to the visitor experience.

It is hoped that the presence of a nationally significant historical manor house in Cross Street will help to regenerate that part of Abergavenny. Owen Davies said, “It’s taken nearly 300 years for us to realise we have an historical gem here that’s of potential national and international importance. There are layers of social history relating to the building that we’d like to unveil.”

Key stakeholder groups from the community are already involved: The Civic Society, Our Lady & St Michael’s Church, Abergavenny Local History Society and Abergavenny Museum. The Friends are keen to hear from other stakeholder groups or individuals who might like to get involved.

2,000 people visited the pop-up exhibition between its opening in July 2017 and September 2018. Around 30 volunteers supervise the space, which includes a permanent exhibition of the Plas Gunter Mansion project and an area for displays by local community groups. It is open Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 10.30am till 4pm from March to December.

Anyone interested in volunteering or getting involved should email:

Volunteers will be offered training in telling the Plas Gunter Mansion story and in operating the display screens, starting in February.

by Anna Roberts 17 December 2024
The Trust is absolutely over the moon that the Welsh Government fund, Local Places for Nature, has awarded us £246,000 which will enable us to buy the land behind Gunter. We have also secured £38,000 in match funding from Abergavenny Town Council, the Civic Society and supporter donations. The funds must be used to purchase the land, clear and decontaminate the ground, implement an interim landscape scheme and improve biodiversity so the former gardens can be enjoyed by the community. This is such exciting news as the land plays a pivotal role in our efforts to restore and activate Gunter. Without it the Trust won’t be able to restore the historic building as sensitively as we would like. Subject to negotiations with the current landowners, we will purchase and transform the derelict land into an urban green space for the community with enhanced biodiversity, and reconnect the town’s heritage between Cross Street, Tithe Barn, and St Mary’s Priory. Combined with our Heritage Fund grant the land purchase investment represents a £4.5m regeneration initiative for lower Cross Street - potentially one of the largest regeneration projects the town has seen in recent years. Although this is a separate project to that of the building, the land purchase will allow us to create an extension at the rear of the house. It will enhance the accessibility of the building and give us the opportunity to install green utility options such as an air source heat-pump. We are right at the beginning of the process and conveyancing will take several months but as plans develop we'll keep you posted!
by Zoe Morris 1 July 2024
We are thrilled to announce the start of the Plas Gunter Mansion restoration project. This ambitious initiative is largely funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund and aims to transform our historic site into a vibrant business, community and visitor hub. The Trust has appointed a distinguished team of professionals to lead the project: World-renowned conservation architects, Purcell , have been appointed to head up the design team. Purcell bring experience of working on a vast range of heritage projects, large and small. The Bristol-based team impressed the trustees not only with their understanding of heritage buildings, but with their collaborative and community-centred approach. Other appointments include the Funding Centre who will support the Trust with business planning and fundraising, and Headland Design Associates who will lead on activities & audience development and interpretive design. Local marketing agency, The Media Agency will be writing our marketing communications strategy. The project's vision is to preserve the rich history of the 17th century Plas Gunter Mansion in Cross Street, Abergavenny while creating a new visitor experience driven by community engagement. The initiative includes plans for a mix of visitor centre, interpretation, and retail spaces, as well as flexible office space on the first floor. Owen Davies, Chair of the Trust, expressed his excitement: "We are embarking on a journey to not only preserve a historic landmark but to also create a meaningful and engaging space for the community. This project is a testament to what can be achieved through collaborative efforts and shared passion for heritage." Plas Gunter Mansion is grateful for the National Lottery Heritage Fund's support, and particularly to National Lottery players who have made this project possible. However, additional funds are crucial to meet the project’s goals. The Trust continues to seek donations, volunteers, and community support. Contributions, whether financial, voluntary, or through sharing the mansion’s story, are vital for the project’s success. For those interested in supporting the Plas Gunter Mansion project, please visit or contact our office at for more information on how to donate, volunteer, or spread the word. Together, we can ensure that Plas Gunter Mansion remains a cherished part of our heritage for future generations to enjoy.
by Anna Roberts 22 May 2024
“One person’s clutter is another’s treasure”, as the saying goes … well, sort of. And this was nowhere more apparent than at the auction of unwanted items to raise money for Plas Gunter Mansion (PGM) and Mind Monmouthshire in early May. The Abergavenny Ladies Business Association (ALBA) and Anna Roberts, one of our long-standing volunteers, organised the event at the King’s Arms Hotel who offered the venue free of charge. As you'll know, we've recently been awarded a development grant of £220,000 from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to start the ball rolling to conserve and transform the house into a fascinating visitor experience. The grant won't cover our everyday running costs though and the funds raised by the auction will go towards much needed regular expenses. Items donated for the sale included 3 beautiful hand-crafted patchwork throws (from Dragonfly Antiques), an antique washing bowl and potty set, a solar powered torch, several framed pictures, empty picture frames, a 70-year old Egyptian embroidered shawl, jigsaw puzzles, a lower body exerciser, handbags and as well as the more usual bric-a-brac. The big sellers of the evening were a guided tour of Rockfield Studios for 2 people, donated by Jane Wyatt and a chimney sweep, donated by The Tidy Sweep and Stove Installers, an Abergavenny-based business. ALBA also organised a raffle and the prizes were donated by local businesses and individuals: The King’s Arms; Kirsty at Headroom, Feodora Hairdressers, Chris Jones, Mary Davies, Trading Post, Pink Angels Office Services, EH Accountancy, Cooks’ Galley and Bailams & Co. At the end of the auction, attendees were invited to browse through what was left and make an offer for items. Proceeds from the night reached £1,116, 70% of which will go to Plas Gunter Mansion and the remaining 30% to Mind Monmouthshire, ALBA’s charity of the year. Any items that did not sell were taken to a charity shop in town the following day. Our Chair, Owen Davies, said: “We are so grateful for the support of ALBA at this year’s auction. The impressive sums raised will make a huge difference to the day to day running costs of Plas Gunter Mansion. “Our Heritage Lottery Funding has to be spent on very specific preparatory work for the building’s restoration, whilst the charity's running costs continue to grow. I was personally delighted to have an enjoyable evening and successfully bid for the Tidy Sweep and a few other bargains.” Event auctioneer, Anna said: “It was a win-win situation,”. “People had the chance to get rid of their clutter, raise money for a good cause and take away items that they wanted or needed more than items they’d donated. “We were astounded by how much we managed to raise from people’s unwanted items. It’s another form of community recycling!” Don't forget that Abergavenny residents and visitors can see a temporary exhibition of the history of the Plas Gunter Mansion and plans for its renovation on the ground floor of the building at 39a Cross Street in the town. Run by volunteers it is open on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 10.30am till 4pm between March and December. ALBA (Abergavenny Ladies Business Association) meets on the first Thursday of every month at the King’s Arms.
by Deborah Holland 11 April 2024
Pick up some bargains and raise money for charity! Abergavenny Ladies’ Business Association (ALBA) is offering the the chance to get rid of your quality clutter and bid for bargains at an auction that will raise money for Plas Gunter Mansion and MIND Monmouthshire, the latter being ALBA’s charity of the year. Wednesday 1 st May 2024 Doors open 6.30pm for 7pm start (ends 9ish) King’s Arms Hotel Atrium (back) room, 29 Nevill St, Abergavenny NP7 5AA Tickets on the door: £7 (includes a glass of wine, beer or soft drink) All bargain-hunters welcome – even if you have nothing to donate - because we need buyers! 70% of proceeds to Plas Gunter Mansion* & 30% to MIND Monmouthshire The King’s Arms is kindly providing the venue for free for this charity event. Items for auction must be in good condition and full working order where applicable and things that sell well are antiques, small electricals, ornaments, jigsaws, pictures, picture frames, vouchers for services, unopened toiletries, gift sets, handbags, hats & scarves (etc). NB: no clothes, shoes or books. Drop-off points on the day (or bring along on the night): EH Accountancy: 1 Horsington’s Yard, Lion St, Abergavenny NP7 5PN King’s Arms: 29 Nevill St, Abergavenny NP7 5AA Please bring along plenty of cash! A card machine is available but this will incur charges and reduce the amount going to charity.
by Andrew Beckett 27 February 2024
Our recent successful application to the National Lottery Heritage Fund means the Trust can get on with developing restoration plans for the building. But the month by month task of maintaining it and making sure Gunter's regular financial outgoings are covered continues. That's why we've launched the Gunter Jackpot! Pay £2 a month to be entered into a monthly prize draw and you could win £40. The Jackpot! is open to anyone and you can buy as many tickets as you like. The monthly prize draw will take place at the end of every month. Find out all the details and buy your tickets by clicking on the link to Gunter Jackpot! Good luck!
by Anna Roberts 13 February 2024
Plas Gunter Mansion has been awarded a £222,340 development grant by the National Lottery Heritage Fund to start the ball rolling to conserve and transform the house into a fascinating visitor experience. Plas Gunter Mansion Trust is receiving initial support from The National Lottery Heritage Fund to develop plans for a major project to renovate the 17 th century town house located in Cross Street in Abergavenny. Made possible by National Lottery players, the grant will allow the Trust to create detailed restoration plans, develop ideas, including events and activities, which engage more people in the heritage of Gunter Mansion whilst strengthening ties with the local community. It will also be used crucially, to seek over £600,000 of match funding to help deliver the overall vision. By carrying out targeted preparation the Trust will make a full application for a Heritage Fund delivery grant of £3.3m by December 2025. If successful, the delivery grant will enable the full project to begin. This will include essential conservation work and the creation of an exhibition space which will bring the mansion’s fascinating history alive for the community and visitors to Abergavenny. Two commercial spaces for local businesses in the building will also be upgraded so that they generate an income, helping the building to become financially sustainable. Physical work on the building is still over two years away, but eventually there will be a range of educational and social activities, including training for volunteers to act as guides for the exhibition, and the opportunity for an apprenticeship in traditional building crafts and conservation. At present it is anticipated that the refurbished building will re-open in 2027. Commenting on the award, Owen Davies, Chair of Plas Gunter Mansion Trust said: “The potential of our project to engage more people with heritage, boost the local economy and make Abergavenny a better place to live, work and visit is considerable. We will open the most historic parts of the building to the public for the first time and reveal a capsule of stories from the past 400 years. Local, national and international visitors will be able to learn more about the history and cultural identity of Abergavenny and its relevance to the wider themes of persecution, tolerance and sanctuary which are particularly pertinent today”. He added: “I’d also like to thank the local organisations which have supported us including Monmouthshire County Council, the Town Council, Our Lady and St Michael’s and St Mary’s churches, King Henry VIII School and teams of committed volunteers who have helped keep alive the dream of restoring the mansion for our community.” Andrew White, Director of Wales for The National Lottery Heritage Fund said: “We are delighted to support Plas Gunter Mansion Trust with this initial grant to help with the preservation of this important heritage building. Thanks to money raised by National Lottery players, this project will enable the Trust to work towards safeguarding this important local landmark for future generations and provide opportunities for its story to be shared.” 
by Deborah 29 November 2023
The Trust's Annual General Meeting & Presentation took place on 16 November 2023. It was well-attended by around 30 supporters. The formal business of the AGM was followed by a presentation from the Trust's Chair, Owen Davies. He reviewed activities during the past year and gave the audience a glimpse of what the building may look like after the restoration. To find out more about what was discussed and for a glimpse of what the restored building may look like, click on the links below: AGM minutes Presentation and discussion
by Deborah Holland 9 October 2023
We are waiting for the Heritage Fund's decision about our £3.1 million application which we should receive in December. In the meantime, the Trust's attention has turned to our everyday finances and we've recognised that we need to do some serious fundraising. Context Costs are going up for the day-to-day running of the Trust, e.g. insurance costs, and our income is not keeping up with expenditure. There have also been a few unexpected one off costs, such as necessary electrical work. This is our immediate focus and we need to raise additional funds to cover our costs. If we are successful and get Heritage Fund funding, we will have to find match funding of around £600,000. We may also need more professional support, such as bookkeeping to manage the large sums of money. This is our longer term goal. We will go out to Trusts & Foundations as part of our fundraising plan but we will also need community support and we need to get into the habit of fundraising as a matter of course. A fundraising group made up of trustees and volunteers had its first meeting last week and discussed a range of suggestions including a lottery, merchandise, events and a social media campaign. We are in the process of firming up some of the ideas, but if you have any experience or interest in helping, or you have a brilliant idea, please get in touch at . One of the ways you could really help is by giving the Trust a regular monthly donation. You can do this easily at .
by Deborah Holland 31 August 2023
The Trust is thrilled to announce that a full application to the National Lottery Heritage Fund has now been submitted! The application was extremely detailed with the Heritage Fund wanting to know what physical work we are planning and what activities we intend to run. We also had to demonstrate how we will include diverse audiences, what economic benefits the project will generate and how the project will continue to be sustainable after the funding stops. Fortunately, the work we did in the first half of the year looking at business planning, funding, audience development and interpretation answered all these questions and more. If you're not familiar with the plans, the building will be divided into four spaces: A visitor centre and exhibition, starting on the ground floor and taking in the most historically significant parts of the building on the first and second floors, including the ornate plasterwork ceiling and attic chapel. One commercial unit on the ground floor. One commercial unit on the ground and first floors. A flexible space on the centre of the first floor which can either be used commercially or by the Trust for various activities. There will also be a range of activities which may be run from the building or from other venues, aimed at bringing the Gunter story to groups of people who might not ordinarily be interested in this type of building. We want Gunter to be well-used locally and an essential tourist attraction for people visiting the town. The total cost of the development is now £3.1 million with us needing to raise around £600,000 from other sources and we will have to wait until December to find out if the application has been successful. Our consultants, Headland Design Associates and The Funding Centre , who were extremely helpful when we were putting together the application, have assured us that we are much better prepared than the majority of applicants, but of course there are no guarantees. If we are successful, we will go into a funded development period of about 18 months during which our plans will be finessed and finalised. We will commission a Conservation Plan which will advise us how to treat the building and how to maintain it after development, detailed architectural plans will be drawn up, exhibition interpretation will be explored and finalised, and activities will be tested and refined. We understand that development applications are often not successful the first time, but this is further than the project has ever got before so we will continue to prepare with all fingers and toes fully crossed.
by Deborah Holland 1 June 2023
We are eagerly awaiting the performance of Sanctuary: The Secrets of the Gunter Mansion , a new play by Contemporancient Theatre currently in rehearsal. You can see it at the Borough Theatre Abergavenny from 21 to 24 June. 
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